Our Mission

To provide information, financial support, and additional resources to families, advocates and professionals confronting Autism/Pervasive Development Delays, from delay suspicion through treatment.

The mission of The Autism Resource Foundation is to provide a source for information, training, financial assistance and education for families who have children with autism. We strive to provide assistance in all of the different areas used to confront and treat the disorder. This is accomplished through sharing experiences and other information, fundraising events and helping to provide for the initial and continuing education of individuals who administer the different therapies that treat the disorder.

Fundraising Events

Our main source of income are the Legends of Huntsville Hockey Silent Jersey Auction / Scrimmage Game in the spring and the ARF Charity Golf Tournament in the fall.

State and Local Grants

Over the years, we have been very fortunate to be awarded grants from the Huntsville Hospital Community Health Initiative, the United Way of Madison County, the Combined Federal Campaign, and the Boeing Employees Community Fund.


We qualify for exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code so any donation will be tax deductible. Donations are greatly appreciated.

Why It Matters

The Center For Disease Control recently released a report that 1 out of every 68 children will be diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). One of every 42 boys will be stricken with the disorder, which has no known cause and no cure. Receiving the diagnosis often throws families into shock, looking for answers and help. Families of children diagnosed with an ASD often lack a source to find current information and available resources. Additionally, parents feel isolated and need the support of other families also struggling with the difficult decisions of what treatments are effective for autism. Once families have made a treatment decision, many are unable to provide financially for their child’s educational costs and are forced into untested programs. The Autism Resource Foundation helps families through the process of evaluating educational options, serving as a family support network, as well as offering assistance with the financial needs associated with the crisis of receiving a diagnosis of an ASD.